In a home based childcare setting it is the responsibility of the child-minder to ensure that all of the equipment that children may come into contact with in that setting is both suitable and safe. The “safety requirements” standards in the UK are set out by the registering body Ofsted within the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, The regulatory body says;
Providers must ensure that their premises, including outdoor spaces, are fit for purpose. Spaces, furniture, equipment and toys, must be safe for children to use and premises must be secure. Providers must keep premises and equipment clean, and be aware of, and comply with, requirements of health and safety legislation (including hygiene requirements). Providers must have, and implement, a health and safety policy, and procedures, which cover identifying, reporting and dealing with accidents, hazards and faulty equipment.
Providers must take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of children, staff and others on the premises in the case of fire or any other emergency, and must have an emergency evacuation procedure. Providers must have appropriate fire detection and control equipment (for example, fire alarms, smoke detectors, and fire extinguishers) which is in working order. Fire exits must be clearly identifiable, and fire doors must be free of obstruction and easily opened from the inside.
In order to comply with the suitability and the safety of equipment for children in a childcare setting and to adhere to the guidelines set out by Ofsted the best way to ascertain these factors is to refer to the types of symbols that appear on children’s toys & equipment. The following symbols and an overview of what they mean are outlined below;
1) The CE mark is a mandatory conformity and has been in effect since 1990 in the European Union (EU). It ensures