Payoneer has partnered with many online businesses to offer them the possibility to make mass payouts easier, faster and more convenient for them and those who will receive them. If you are not already making money from one of Payoneer’s many partners, you will have to start by signing up with one of them.
Here is a list of all Payoneer partners that I could easily identify. No doubt there are probably more partners available, so this list is by no means complete. I will add more Payoneer partners to the list as I come across them. If you’re one of Payoneer’s payment solutions partner and you would like your site posted on the list give me a shout at alan at
Payoneer partners
* Freelancing o GetAFreelancer o uTest o oDesk o ScriptLance
* Payment processing o 2CheckOut o Plimus o FastSpring
* Advertising o MediaWhiz o o Copeac o Text-Links-Ads
* Adult o AWEmpire o Adult Friend Finder o Hustler Cash
* Others o FreedomRocks o GPA40 o iStockPhoto o Fluc
Which ones should you choose? Well that obviously depends on how you prefer to make money online. For example if you’re an online merchant the 2CheckOut would be the logical choice. If you run a blog or website and would like to sell advertising space then Text Link Ads would in that case be the logical choice.
Google some of these websites out and find out if they’re right for you.
Now once you’ve decided which Payoneer partner to go with, proceed to the next step which is figuring out how to order a Payoneer card from one of these partner websites. As always it varies from partner to partner so don’t be shy and ask the website’s customer support crew for