Surname: Cooke
Forename(s): Chayce
Date of Birth: 11/02/1992
Gender: Female
Present Address: 25 east cliff
Post Code: CT19 6BU
Contact number (Home) 01303211073
Contact number (Mobile) 07585570051_
National Insurance Number: JR 84 19 76 A
I pride myself to be confident, outgoing & friendly. I feel that I work well in teams but also just as well individually. Whatever tasks I am given I put all my effort into and believe I am skilled at learning new concepts quickly, working well under pressure, and communicating ideas clearly and effectively. I am self-motivated and dedicated to any tasks or work I am given. I always like to make sure all my work is done to a high standard and believe I am very organised.
I am currently studying with the open universty to obtain a BSC Honours degree in Crimiongly & Physcologly.
In my spare time i like to spend time with family and my partner and his son havibg days out etc. I am very passionate about travelling and love learning about different countries and cultures and would consider myself very open minded.
Please give the names and addresses of two referees one of whom should be your present / last employer. Referees must not be related to you.
1) Present or last employer
Name of company / individual: Charles James Developments
Jason/Kelly Moody
Charles James Development Services
Leyland Farm
Essex SS5 6AJ
Contact number: Email:
Job Title: admin assistant
Rate of pay: 8.00
Period of employment: From: july 09 To: july 10
Reason for leaving: move
(No approach will be made to your present employer before an offer of employment is made to you.)
Brief description of tasks / activities, the skills you