Racism in the military has long been a tool used to justify the destruction and occupation of another country. …show more content…
Within the countries of Afghanistan and Iraq, the American military uses this technique to enforce Unspeakable acts against the people, in the form of justice. It is not the Afghans nor is it the Iraqis that are the enemy; it is the rich, the corrupt the mogul. This so called war on these countries is but a cover up for military aggression to gain control of the resources of the Middle Eastern people. These mogul people are people who are Dependant on convincing the working class to die to control the market of another country, people who are dependent on sending the poor to kill the poor of Muslim countries and make the rich, richer. Trading people for resources, blood for oil. They profit from human suffering and care only about power and control of the world economy. Without racism, soldiers would realise they have more in common with their so called ‘enemy’, then they would with the rich and corrupt people who send them there.
Since World War 2, 92% of casualties were of unarmed civilians, a third of them children.
The Iraqi and Afghani society today, thanks to American help is defined by soldiers raiding houses, causing constant violence, spilling innocent blood in the streets, stripping innocent men and writing things like, “I’m a rapeist” on their bodies.
Is this what we define as justice?, these inhumane acts. Obama speaks of peace, but allows this to happen, he speaks of the end of war, but is ready to start one. For the last few years the military has been using an extensive amount of depleted uranium and phosphorus. Today in the cities of Iraq and Afghanistan, increases of birth defects and mutations have been recorded. They treat them like test subjects, rats. I can see now why people like Julian Assange leak information like this to the world, so we can see what we are really supporting, what we are signing up for. Soldiers, they are not the people you should put your hate and anger towards, but the rich, the corrupt, the admirals. They force soldiers to kill innocent and congratulate them by medals on doing so. They pressure them; putting achievements such as a 4 day pass when returned for the first person to get first kill upon a middle eastern with a knife. They brainwash their minds and into seeing these middle eastern as terrorist, killers. They are not terrorist, nor are they killers, they are our brothers and sisters, who demand respect for their
The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost our ways. Not because us, the people, but because of the system, because of their thirst for money and power, their lies that drive soldiers into other countries to kill innocent. Soldiers shouldn’t give themselves up to these people, men who despise and enslave them, tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel, men who treat you like machine men. They do not fulfil their promises; they never do, so do away with this racism, these national barriers. You are not machines, you are men. In the 17th chapter of Saint Luke it is written “the kingdom of god is within men”, not one man nor a group of men, but in all men, in you, you the people have the power, the power rid of this this war and the people who support it, the people who barricaded the world with hate. no war, no suffering
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