Regarding police brutality, policies have already been put in place to try to solve this major issue. Examples of policies are special training for police officers to teach them how to properly handle situations, body cameras to monitor officers' actions, and special out of state prosecutors to judge and indict officers and reduce bias. However, these policies alone only solve pieces of the problem, not the big picture. These plans have their advantages and disadvantages, and might not work as planned.…
Police brutality is often overlooked, people see it as an act of cruelty performed by “a few bad apples” in the police department. Bonnie Kristian declares otherwise in her article “Seven…
The solution to problem of police brutality must begin with an reevaluation of the police department as a whole. Law enforcement must make an effort to assure citizens that they trying to protect the community and show that they are not looking to intimidate people. Police departments should revise and reexamine their training exercises in order to provide a solution to excessive force. New training methods should be provided on setting and situations that usually lead to police brutality. Police officers should be trained on how to correctly use pepper spray, how to handle routine traffic stops , and how to handle mentally ill citizens. Although there has been some progress in training and the have introduced new technology such as body cameras there are still incidents of racial profiling and police brutality. With continued training and education within the police department, there will be less brutalities and…
Nancy Tang Professor Spitzer Political Science 100 20 November 2015 Police Brutality on Individuals Recently, we have seen police brutality occur in our community more and more. We see even see it happening to a lower minority in our community. What exactly is causing such brutality? With the police taking advantage of their power, it is negatively affecting the community and individuals around the world.…
It can range from vulgar words and slurs used, ranging to excessive force used to detain or stop an a suspected criminal. The use of force is an area in which police officers must exercise good judgment. (Chapman, 2012) Often police have exercised great judgement, but more recently with the invention of image and video capturing devices, more cases of police brutality have been captured and recorded. One of the most agreed upon arguments of researchers is the point at which the use of force crosses the line from reasonable to excessive is necessarily hard to define and fraught with controversy. (Chapman, 2012) Often the complaints of excessive use of force, and police brutality are classified differently across different counties, states, and countries. Many researchers like Christopher Chapman choose to include every report of force used by the police in data used for research. The problem that arises is one of a lack of definition. In order for us to start effectively studying, and accessing police brutality, excessive force must have a universal police definition. It must be able to interpreted, and looked upon when officers actions are in question. By also setting a definition, officers will have a set limit to refer to when making behavioral…
Police brutality is the unlawful use of power, act or authority by the policepersons on the civilians (Russell-Brown 2009). Police brutality is an unfortunate corollary of the dangerous job of protecting society from its worst citizens, an anomaly attributable to the characteristic of individual police officers and the police department (Holmes and Smith, 2008). The actions can be employed with either the use of firearms, other lethal and non-lethal weapons or the improper use of holds or restraining techniques (Belur, 2010). In the United States, the brutality by police officers has been passed on from the time memorial. Police have used forceful methods in trying…
The biggest issue that is arising in America today within police agencies is police brutality. “Police brutality is the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians” (The Law dictionary). Throughout this paper police brutality is discussed an analyzed to conclude its causes and effects. In order to conduct this paper numerous online articles have been examined to produce statistics on this sensitive topic. These articles are written by creditable sources specifically detailing police misconduct. Although there are laws to help eliminate unlawful actions by law enforcement, but with power some of those laws are over look when it comes down to those in society who have a badges behind their…
The use of force by police in the discharge of their duties can both be reformed and controlled without compromising the capacity of the police to maintain public safety and enforce the law. Violence in the United States has reached epidemic proportions. Violence is most typically an outgrowth of conflict when peaceful dispute mechanisms fail. The use of force by police frequently occurs in situations that are characterized by violence prior to the arrival of police. Crime, particularly violent crime, has been a major concern of the American population for decades.…
Whether a person believes police brutality is a serious problem or not it needs to stop. Cop Crisis stated that every 8 hours an officer is shooting a citizen. In other words approximately 3 people are killed each day by officers. Which does not include the number of assaults that are unreported and the people who survived the excessive force. The first step to lowering the amount of abuse is longer training for officers and setting a standard for the amount of abuse officers should use. This abuse of force tends to not only violate state and federal laws but also people's constitutional rights. Moreover, Officers are doing unethical things and they're not suffering any consequences which is leading officers to do more abuse because they think they can get away with…
You’ve heard about it, read about it, and maybe even seen live footage on the news. What is it? Living in the United States, a lot of cases in today’s society are Police Brutality. Police Brutality remains the most critical and divisive human rights violation in the United States of America. We are supposed to trust the police to protect us, not take advantage and abuse the power, we, the people, have invested in them. The immoderate use of police brutality continues because police don’t know how to de-escalate, most cops face no disciplinary threats, and because there are no clear policies on using force. This makes it feasible for officers who do commit brutality and human rights violations to abscond their punishment and repeat their offences.…
My first reason to why Police Brutality needs to stop is because police officers are using guns more than they should. There is always another way to ending things. The police are always running to get their guns when they should just stop and think “Is this…
Police brutality has been one of the major issues in America for decades and should be resolved immediately. Statistics say that In May of 2015, it has been analyzed the 385 fatal police shootings in the United States have occurred so far in 2015. The number, which came out to two officer-involved shooting deaths per day, was more than twice the rate that the government had recorded over the past decade. That same report found blacks to be killed at three times the rate of whites or other minorities. It also found that almost a quarter of those killed were identified as mentally ill by police or family members. Law enforcement should operate as a component that comprises civilized and organized officers. The existence of police brutality is…
Police brutality has been witnessed recently over the years in America. The topic has been controversial among communities that have seen brutality in front of them. I understand that police officers face many threatening situations everyday forcing them to make split second decisions and to expect the worst and hope for the best. Police officers are allowed and have the power to take any citizens rights away. One…
Police brutality is a very important issue that the American people need to deal with. Police brutality is now a really popular topic, because of cellular devices and other video recording devices. Without those devices police brutality would continue to be swept under the media's rug. America needs to come together as one and make the United States a safer environment for all of its citizens. Police brutality can be prevented and handled by the judicial system. Making new stipulations for the Police department all across the country, such as forcing police officers to take a sensitivity course, requiring officers to wear cameras on themselves when on duty, and having officers take therapy sessions…
The last solution to reducing police brutality would be to hold police officers and their respective departments, accountable. Holding both the police officers and departments accountable would insinuate the necessary changes across police enforcement. It is much harder to fix problems of police brutality unless one is fully clear about the extent of the issue. Therefore, small steps should be taken to provide the structure that would ultimately encourage officers to grasp the concept of…