Throwing a Frisbee, or a Disc, is almost always a natural thing. Frisbees are trademark fun equipment kids and people usually use to have fun with, discs are what ultimate Frisbee players would use in an actual game and they are more professional perfect for throwing. Someone will pick up a Frisbee on the ground and throw it to their partner. The thrower, however, usually throws it a certain way, either forehand or backhand. There are three main types of throws for a disc, forehand, backhand, and hammer. First of all, there are a few rules to throwing a Frisbee. When in possession of the disc, you cannot be moving. Besides, if you try to throw a Frisbee while moving your throws will never be consistent or even good. If you are right handed, your left foot is your pivot foot. If you are a left-handed thrower, your right foot is your pivot foot.
Furthermore, the backhand throw is one of the simplest throws for right-handed people. It is the throw most people are all familiar with. The correct way to throw the disc for a right-handed person is this way. With your right hand, you position your fore finger, middle finger, ring finger, and pinky finger under the disc while your thumb is on top of the disc facing away from your body to the left. When throwing the backhand, you want to step foreword with your right foot and line it up with your pivot foot, (left foot), or place your right foot further ahead of your pivot foot for a stronger throw. You want to swing your right hand, the hand with the disc, back around to the left of you body for a very good wind up. Then bring your right hand back to the front of your body and with a little flick of the wrist release the disc from your hand for a nice, clean throw. It is good to flick your wrist a little bit because it puts spin on the disc. The more spin on the disc, the less wobbly the throw will be and the further and better throw will be. And make sure you are putting effort and force