ENGL 101 B08
FEBRUARY 3, 2014
Considering the gift of computers Bill Gates bestowed upon libraries for students, I’m sure his intentions were for the students to excel and keep abreast of the ever changing world of technology, not to replace reading with surfing the web. I agree with Judith Levine when she stated, “It’s important for students to read books, magazines, newspapers, history, poetry, politics and listen to people who know what they’re talking about.” Reading books and other literature teaches students the past, present and future, not only for things happening in the world today but facts about things past.
Dating myself, I think back to the days of the sixties and seventies when reading was fundamental to education. Literacy was important and the only choice we had was to read a book because there were no computers. Teachers took us to the library weekly, and we were required to check out at least one book and read it. There was also time set aside during class for us to stand up and read a portion of your book aloud. Most of our books had no pictures to …show more content…
My eighty-three year old Uncle Mike was a prime example of why getting an education is important. He only had about an eighth grade education and virtually no Biblical knowledge. Because of his limitations, he was never able to make a decent living throughout his life. He also had no knowledge of who God was and expressed no desire to be saved. His soul was doomed to hell; however, I never gave up on Uncle Mike. I knew it was God’s will that everyone be saved, and on July 28th, 2013, his eyes were opened, and his heart soften as he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior two days before he passed