The most memorable moment of my development of literacy in middle school is less a single memory but rather how the school pushed us to read more. They let us read any book we wanted to read as long as it was in the system. …show more content…
I had my English class as the first class of the day. The teacher wanted to encourage us to read again because she noticed that many of no longer enjoyed reading. She gave us the first ten to fifteen minutes of each class to read. She didn’t care what we read as long as we were reading something. At first I was happy about the idea simply because that meant we didn’t have to spend as much time talking about writing or looking at the assigned novels we had to read. After a couple weeks into this habit of reading every morning for a several minutes I began to greatly enjoy it. I started to not only read during our time each morning but outside of class. It showed me that reading can still be fun and sparked a desire to read for enjoyment again. That spark, although not as bright, is still alive