When gathering information for a writing assignment, I must first take a look at whom I'm trying to reach. Acknowledging my audience and presenting information that I feel they will understand is important for a reader to relate to good stylistic writing. When preparing to write, I feel it is also important to be aware of such details as choosing the right tone, making sure the material is easy to read and not cluttered, and including specific details about my subject. I feel these steps will keep my readers interested in my writing.
My first step in constructing my writing is choosing a voice that I feel is suited for my audience. I can better relate to my audience if I use a voice that they can relate to in return. I try to gather as much background information as I can to help my audience understand my point. Using correct grammar and verbiage in my writing is also important in keeping my audience interested in my writing.
It is also important to eliminate clutter from my writing. I have found that clutter is easy to get and hard to get rid of. Writers should stick to explaining the important points of their topic and not clutter their information.
Providing detailed information also helps to make my writing stylistically effective. For example, let's take the word "crime." As stated in our textbook, this word has a very general and broad description. If I were to write about someone committing a crime and not share what the specific crime was, I would risk losing my audience. So, I feel it is very important to be specific and as detailed as possible in my writing so that I may keep my audience interested in what I am sharing with them.
A lot goes into a good writing style. A person's writing ability is determined greatly by how well the audience receives his/her message. Therefore, only the reader or intended audience can say whether the information meets his or her