How to write a speech story:
Most newsworthy statement
Date and location.
(can also focus on reaction)
2nd paragraph
Elaborates on lead, providing some background, followed by best quote
*make best full quotes a separate 3rd paragraph if possible.
(Audience reaction)
3rd paragraph
Mixes paraphrase and quotes to develop main points of the speech.
4th paragraph
Mixes paraphrase and quotes to develop main points of the speech.
5th paragraph
Helps set scene: packed room.
6th paragraph
Background on audience.
7th paragraph
Who’s NOT in the audience.
8th paragraph
Reaction from targets of the speech.
Rest of story:
Gives background on Venezuela’s try for the UN security council, on Chavez himself; reaction from UN reps from other countries; more quotes from the speech.
How to write a speech story:
Most newsworthy statement
Date and location.
(can also focus on reaction)
2nd paragraph
Elaborates on lead, providing some background, followed by best quote
*make best full quotes a separate 3rd paragraph if possible.
(Audience reaction)
3rd paragraph
Mixes paraphrase and quotes to develop main points of the speech.
4th paragraph
Mixes paraphrase and quotes to develop main points of the speech.
5th paragraph
Helps set scene: packed room.
6th paragraph
Background on audience.
7th paragraph
Who’s NOT in the audience.
8th paragraph
Reaction from targets of the speech.
Rest of story:
Gives background on Venezuela’s try for the UN security council, on Chavez himself; reaction from UN reps from other countries; more quotes from the speech.
How to write a speech story:
Most newsworthy statement
Date and location.
(can also focus on reaction)
2nd paragraph
Elaborates on lead, providing some background, followed by best quote
*make best full quotes a separate 3rd paragraph if possible.
(Audience reaction)