HPV: This vaccine blocks infection from a virus through sexual contact. It makes its way into the mouth, throat or genitals and causes infections, sometimes cancer. Certain types can cause genital warts. It is important to have three doses…
Kenneth Littleton Crow, a handicapped comedian, was my favorite comedian from the “Able to Laugh” comedy video. In his skits, Kenneth brings up wheelchair accessibility as well as interactions between disabled and non-disabled people. He jokes about how people do not always want to look at him while talking because they are uncomfortable or, how they do not know what to say to him because they feel bad for him. In the video Kenneth stated, “If they just stopped for a minute and thought well…you know maybe they’re not any different from me” (1:54). I completely agree with his message of breaking down former attitudes, building up feelings of mutual respect, and providing knowledge of life with a disability is like.…
Historiography: Definitions; Valid and Invalid Interpretations and Frames of Reference; Fact and Opinion; Role of Historian; Sources of Historical Information; Primary and Secondary Sources; Why study History?…
Males, Mike.”HPV Vaccine Texas Tyranny.” Perspectives on Contemporary Issues: Readings Across the Disciplines. 2006. 6e. Ed. Katherine Anne Ackley. Boston: Wadsworth/ Cengage Learning, 2012. 446-448.…
Jeanelle Oliver 03.29.11 CRJ 5994, Professor Johannessen Annotated Outline Topic: Should the HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccination be mandated for pre-pubescent girls?? I. INTRODUCTION A. Explanation of what the HPV virus actually is. B. Background history…
Although vaccinations are something generally done by most people, there are people of certain demographics that choose not to vaccinate or are unable to vaccinate for their own reasons. According to Smith et al.’s (2004) Parents who are more likely to go the anti-vaccination route generally come from white, higher income and education households, typically with four or more children. Verses parents who are often young and minorities, with little to no education and live in lower income households. More times than families who don’t vaccinate or are undervaccinated due to economic hardship, health insurance status or lack of, not because they…
In result of the mandated vaccines, there could be conflicts that would rise arguments such as forcing professionals to take the vaccines as a condition of employment that violates their autonomy and freedom to refuse medical treatment without serious consequences. In addition, mandatory vaccines could result in the risk of undermining a person bodily integrity, which could cause side effects.…
Children are the future so why risk their health? It Vaccines have been considered critical in the world today to keep us from being overcome with disease; however, there are some risks. It is important to know both the pro’s and con’s of vaccines before you get your child vaccinated. Although there are some risks, it has been said that more die from not getting vaccinated than a vaccinated child.…
References: Vamos, Cheryl A., McDermott, Robert J., Daley, Ellen M. Journal of School Health (The HPV Vaccine: Framing the Arguments FOR and AGAINST Mandatory Vaccination of All Middle School Girls) June 2008 Vol. 78 No. 6, pg. 302-309…
One of the big controversies in today’s world is whether to be or not to be vaccinated. There are many reasons why it is a good idea to be vaccinated, here are three very good reasons why everyone should vaccinate themselves and their children. First, vaccine- preventable diseases have not gone away. Secondly, contrary to belief. Vaccines are safe and effective. Thirdly, vaccine- preventable diseases are very expensive.…
As a parent my main concern is my childrens health. There has been an increased interest in vaccine safety over the past decade as opposed to the 1980’s. There has been many successful results from vaccines. The introduction and widespread use of vaccines have profoundly affected the occurrence of several infectious diseases. For example smallpox has been eliminated with the last naturally occurring case in 1977, and the vaccination against smallpox stopped. Poliomyelitis is another disease near elimination with a the last case occurring in 1979. Vaccinating your children and yourself is important, because of the existing continuous threats of…
One of the controversial/hot topics or issues nowadays in health care in the US and the world as a whole is vaccination. The main purpose of vaccines is to control and prevent communicable diseases. The target is to vaccinate about 99 percent of the population. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “about 1.5 million children under age 5 years continue to die annually from diseases that are preventable via the administration of vaccines, making up approximately 20 percent of overall childhood mortality” (Maternal and Child Health, n.d). The WHO continues to argue with evidence that vaccination can prevent death from pneumonia and diarrhea which are the leading cost of death among children under five years old. Although vaccination…
Vaccines are substance that are generally injected into a person or animal to protect against a particular disease. The advantages and disadvantages of vaccinations have been discussed by scientists such as Shizuo Akira or David Amaral. There have been studies conducted all over the world but mainly in United States and Europe. The main controversy surrounding vaccines is whether or not getting vaccinated is worth the potential side effects. Society is impacted in many ways but the largest way being that these potential side effects can be deadly at times.…
My topic is over vaccines in the United States and how we need them to keep our country healthy. My main points are the reasons we have them, the health benefits of the vaccines, and the safety concerns about when we don’t have routine vaccines.…
4589). With this prevalence, it remains significantly likely that either an individual or his or her sexual partner will remain infected with HPV. Although acquiring HPV does not guarantee an individual will acquire cancer, as it does not directly cause this condition, the virus produces mutations as the cellular level, which can lead to cervical cancer. Aware of HPV incidence, “In 2006, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a quadrivalent vaccine (Gardasil®), which protects against the HPV types that cause 70% of cervical cancer cases (16 and 18) and 90% of genital warts cases (6 and 11)” (Garcini, et al., 2012, p. 4589). An individual should acquire this vaccination between his or her preteen years and young adulthood, as the vaccine should be given prior to becoming sexual active. The vaccine stands as a three-step process, which remains a reason for the low compliance rates. To assist in patient adherence and compliance, a nurse should determine patient resources, educate on the three-step process, and ensure patient…