Human Resource (HR) professionals play a critical role in the development of organizational strategy and organizational functioning. Before an organizational strategy is developed the organization’s culture must be defined. Each organization has its own culture; it is what defines an organization. The strategy chosen is based upon the culture of the organization, and the HR professional works to align them in order to achieve success. Organizational Culture
HR plays a vital role in the definition, assessment and building of organizational culture through the reinforcing and nurturing of the behaviors required to live up to that culture. An organization’s culture is the system of shared beliefs, values, customs, assumptions, and behaviors that identifies it. It is what makes every organization different from one another. Most organizations, especially larger ones, have a mission statement that summarizes what the company stands for. HR professionals develop ways to ensure that the people within the organization are committed to supporting it. HR is responsible for all the related functions that work towards employee well-being in the organization including payroll, benefits, hiring, firing, and keeping up to date with state and federal laws. The well-being of all employees is very important but also very difficult for HR professionals and organizations to achieve. HR professionals try to create a work environment where everyone is happy. This is difficult because everyone has a different perception of what good is. So what may be good or satisfying to one person, may not be the same to someone else. In larger organizations, many of the higher up’s do not interact much with the