References: Altschuld, J.W., & White, J. L. (2010). Needs assessment: Analysis and prioritization. Barbazette, J. (2006). Training Needs Assessment: Methods, Tools and Techniques. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons. Brown, M. G. (1996). Keeping Score: Using the Right Metrics to Drive World Class performance Kusluvan, S. (2003). Managing Employee attitudes and Behaviors in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry Lelan, K. & Bailey, K. (2006). Customer Service for Dummies. Third Edition, India: Wiley Publishing, Inc. Rossett, A. (1987). Training Needs assessment. New Jersey: Educational Technology Publications, Inc. Tobey, D. (2005). Needs Assesment Basics: A complete, How-to Guide to Help you: Design Effective on target training solutions, Get support and ensure botton-line impact
References: Altschuld, J.W., & White, J. L. (2010). Needs assessment: Analysis and prioritization. Barbazette, J. (2006). Training Needs Assessment: Methods, Tools and Techniques. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons. Brown, M. G. (1996). Keeping Score: Using the Right Metrics to Drive World Class performance Kusluvan, S. (2003). Managing Employee attitudes and Behaviors in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry Lelan, K. & Bailey, K. (2006). Customer Service for Dummies. Third Edition, India: Wiley Publishing, Inc. Rossett, A. (1987). Training Needs assessment. New Jersey: Educational Technology Publications, Inc. Tobey, D. (2005). Needs Assesment Basics: A complete, How-to Guide to Help you: Design Effective on target training solutions, Get support and ensure botton-line impact