Three issues Britney needs to consider: * Joan and Natalie’s conversation about her sexual harassment * The Max MacSweeney issue of visiting undesirable websites at work * Cheating of two warehouse supervisor with the company and Paul didn’t inform top management even though he knew about the fraud
The first issue should be addressed first because Natalie story was spreading all around Winnipeg and Wilmington media as well as in front of the Ontario human rights commission. Therefore, they should solve this issue as soon as possible before it becomes difficult to maintain a company 's reputation in the present market.Secondly, it can also spoil the Natalie’s image in the society as it is important to maintain the women image in the society.
The Max MacSweeney issue should be considered at last because the problem is inside the company and only people from head office know about this problem. So they can address other issues first those are more important and harming the company reputation instead of spending their time to solve other problems.
Question #2
Britney should give first and last warning to Joan Jorgenson about the incident. To improve the policy of employee communications, the company should make a policy not to spread employee personal topic with other employees of the company. The company should also make an agreement that employees should not speak with the media without the company’s permission and if employees are allowed to speak with the media than they should not talk about specific topic to media which can be harmful to the company’s image. in short, company should have policies like open door policy and in-house complaint procedures so employees can meet their supervisor or another member of management to resolve workplace conflict.
Question #3
We would like to recommend two disciplinary actions that Britney takes with respect to the case involving Max MacSweeney. The first one is hot-stove rule and another
Bibliography: Schwind, H. F., Das, H., & Wagar, T. H. (2009). Canadian human resource management: a strategic approach (9th ed.). Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson.