1.1) Values relate to our personal principles, morals and ideals - what we consider to be important. Each person is unique, with thier own personal values and beliefs shaped by a number of factors that include culture, religion and personal experiences. We value each person as an individual, respect their choices, rights, privacy and commitments in life, and work in partnership to understand thier priorities, needs, abilities and limits.
1.2) It is important to work in a way that embeds person centered values to meet the needs, wishes and preferences of every individual and to provide the best quality of care whilst promting independance and ensuring the service user feels involved in the plannimng of their care.
1.3) Sometimes a service users priorites may change as they reassess their needs, which could lead to them taking risks. Supporting the individual by talking to them, reading their care plan and understanding thier preferences, wishes and needs will help to manage any risks.
1.4) An individual care plan puts the service user in the centre of thier care, it details their requirements and preferences. Every care plan is different because it is unique to the service user, therefore ensuring the correct care and support of the individuals needs.
3.1) Consent not only protects social care and health providers against legal challenges, it is also vital because of the rights of the person and the importance of recognising their dignity and treating them with respect.
3.3) It may be useful to ensure the service user understands the information to make sure any queries/concerns have been answered. We must immediately report any refusal of consent or any reservations expressed by the service user. However, if the servis user is unconscious, has no capacity, intoxicated or impaired and has no family available to give consent then it is considered reasonable to provide care/support as it is assumed consent would be given if the person was