Induction is the first step along a pathway of learning that a new worker undertakes when joining the social care sector or a new organisation and will continue all through their career. It is one of the principal most important processes within the organisation. Staff induction often focuses on the corporate policies, eg: safety, security, anti-discrimination, equality, etc. This is useful information, if not the most interesting to participants. Beyond policies, we also cover practicalities, for example how to carry out common administrative tasks such as completing weekly timesheets, changing address, how to fill out daily diary records for the service users. What information systems exist, we give out company email addresses and team leader/manager telephone numbers. Induction training is very important for new staff. Good induction training assists with retention of new starters ensuring they are settled in quickly into a productive happy role. This in turn is good for the company staff retention cuts recruitment costs. Induction training offers the opportunity to establish clear expectations from the outset in terms of integrity, ethics and professional social responsibility.
The primary importance is to ensure that the individual is working within the guidelines of the law, company’s policies, procedures and values, Safeguarding regulations and Care Quality Commission standards. It is then also extremely important for the service users, it enables staff to know and understand each individual and become familiar with their support plans to ensure that the staff follow a person centred approach to caring for the service users’.
The induction process we provide is based around the Skills for Care Common Induction Standards. These Common Induction Standards have been designed to provide a structured start for workers in the first 12 weeks of employment,