Newly promoted assessor to be trained on the new webchat assessment form (lateral move) – The newly promoted Assessor, who was assessing calls will have to be trained on the scoring criteria and the new assessment form as they will be assessing the webchats, providing feedback and coaching individuals in the team. The assessor will also attend webchat calibration/ moderation session to ensure their scoring is in line as per the webchat guidance notes. Employees starting a new role, who are newly promoted, or have had a change in responsibilities will require training and support, which would help them gain the required knowledge and skills to help boost their confidence. Training delivery on webchat is another learning need that is identified. The trainer must not only be trained on the new webchat system but also on the process to be able to understand how the team handles any webchat queries. This will ensure that they understand the system functionalities which in turn will enable them to train the new starters. The trainer will attend Train the Trainer session and will also receive 1x1 feedback and support.
Individual’s performance - Money Advisers scoring below 80% in their Quality Scores in any quarter, would require further support and training depending on their performance and areas of development. They would be taken off the phones and would attend customised training, receive 1x1 feedbacks and coaching. The objective is to help them with their performance and help achieve the required quality standards on calls. This may include technical skills, soft skills and/or any systems training.
Induction – In any organisation, the Induction training is important to provide the employee with the essential skills needed to perform their job and become familiar with the people, the surroundings, the job and the business. A good induction highlights the company’s ethos, values and culture so that the employee is