Leadership for health and social care
Reflective account
Unit; SHC51 Use and develop systems that promote communication
Unit ref no; F/602/2335
Reflective account
1; Be able to address the range of communication requirements in own role.
In my role as deputy manager, one of the ways I ensure the correct methods of communication are being assessed and used effectively for the service users within my home, is to review care plans. I do this during supervisions with the key worker, I check that the needs and wishes of the service users are being met, and recorded appropriately. I will also ensure that the way information is recorded is done so in such a format that can be understood by all that need to read it, i.e. large print and avoid using jargon.
I also maintain contact with family members, care managers and CQC via email and the telephone to ensure that all necessary information is passed on. This can be formal, if I was informing CQC of an event of informal. If I was just checking in with a family member/case manager, to say all is well etc.
Part of my role is to help the staff to develop care plans, a large part of that is aimed at ensuring the staff 1; understand the importance of identifying the best method of communication based, on each individual needs, if a service users is non verbal use of signs or pictures or if a service users has sight problems using large print etc. 2; ensuring the key workers know the importance of acting as an advocate to ensure the rights of the individual are met, and to giving support and guidance on how best to achieve this.
One of the ways that I inform our service users of up-and-coming events is to use a notice board; this is located in a frequently used part of the house and is written using appropriate wording and text.
Within my service I also ensure confidentiality is maintained by booking (and attending myself) safeguarding venerable adults training