Professor Bonnie Jones
CIS292 – Digital Media Design
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the main markup language for creating web pages. Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) is HTML written Extensible Markup Language (XML). According to W3Schools, XML is designed to transport and store data (W3Schools). Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a simple mechanism for adding style (e.g., fonts, colors, and spacing) to Web documents.
HTML has been updated throughout the years. In 2006, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) decided to cooperate and create a new version of HTML, HTML5. HTML5 is the new HTML standard bringing new elements, new attributes, full CSS3 support, integrated video and audio, 2D/3D graphics, and web applications; to name a few (Bos).
Technology has improved dramatically, consisting of laptops, smartphones, PDA, tablets, etc., however, with these different technologies came different browsers. Smaller devices such as smartphones lack the resources or power to interpret a "bad" markup language. Unfortunately, this wasn’t a good thing, especially how rapid technology growing. Therefore - by combining the strengths of HTML and XML, XHTML was developed. XHTML is HTML redesigned as XML (W3Schools).
There are some mark differences between the HTML and XHTML. XHTML is a stricter and cleaner version of HTML. XHTML is HTML defined as an XML application (W3Schools). According to W3Schools, the most important differences between HTML and XHTML are:
“Document Structure
XHTML DOCTYPE is mandatory
The XML namespace attribute in <html> is mandatory
<html>, <head>, <title>, and <body> is mandatory
XHTML Elements
XHTML elements must be properly nested
XHTML elements must always be closed
XHTML elements must be in lowercase
XHTML documents must have one root element
XHTML Attributes
Attribute names must be in lower case
Attribute values must be quoted
Cited: Bos, Bert. WHAT IS CSS? 19 December 2013. 4 January 2014. <>. W3Schools. CSS Introduction. 2014. 4 January 2014. <>. —. HTML - XHTML. 2014. 4 January 2014. <>. —. HTML - XHTML. 2014. 4 January 2014. <>. —. XML Tutorial. 2014. 4 January 2014. <>. —. You Have Learned CSS, Now What? 2014. 4 January 2014. <>.