the men that it is his father on the raft and that he is white. Huck’s ability to protect Jim highlights his growth throughout the book. Earlier, he played tricks on people for his own pure enjoyment, but now, he is using his incredible imagination to protect his friend. He is feeling uneasy about lying to the men, but he discovers that if he gave Jim up, he would feel worse than he did about lying. He has grown from an uncivilized boy, to a boy who protects and cares for his friends.
the men that it is his father on the raft and that he is white. Huck’s ability to protect Jim highlights his growth throughout the book. Earlier, he played tricks on people for his own pure enjoyment, but now, he is using his incredible imagination to protect his friend. He is feeling uneasy about lying to the men, but he discovers that if he gave Jim up, he would feel worse than he did about lying. He has grown from an uncivilized boy, to a boy who protects and cares for his friends.