Perseverance is such a powerful word that has so many meanings. Mastering what this word means, results in such a successful life which yet takes a lot of discipline to achieve. Most peoples summaries of perseverance is never giving up even when things aren’t going your way. Which is correct, but I think about perseverance in references of some of our world’s greatest leaders. Take for instance one of America’s greatest Civil Rights leaders Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. People were so hatred, spiteful, and cruel to this extraordinary man. But did he ever give up when the going got tough, no. Did he just say, “Hey man, this is too hard for me to handle! ”, no. What did he do, He kept pushing through. When people were spitting at him or cursing at him or even burning down his house, he didn’t stop what he was doing. Now you might ask why would someone go through so much trouble. Well that question is easy to answer. He never stopped because he believed in what he was doing. He believed that the dream he was chasing for, was to better the world and to better the human race. That’s why when he was announced deceased everyone commended him on his great accomplishments. He showed an abundance of perseverance.
Nothing is better than you. You should never give up. You can take a break, but never give up. Perseverance is a very important and positive character trait to have in your life. You have to have steady persistence in spite of difficulties, discouragement, or obstacles. Failure only occurs when you stop trying or pushing through. You can’t go through life quitting everything that seems to be too hard to handle. If you’re trying to excel in something you have to stick to it, better yourself, and try harder. Someone or something is always going to be there trying to distract you from achieving your dreams and/or goals. Your job as a person is to decide not to be distracted and let go of anything that is standing in your way. You have