Askar Abdolrazakov Faisal Ibne Mozher Muhammad Bilal Pooya Moazzeni Bikani
Human Detection and Distance Measurement
Detecting human from his movements and measuring the distance was done in this project. Kinect Xbox360 was used as the sensor to detect the human. Kinect provides the point cloud of the object in front of it. C++ OpenCV library was used to program the kinect, import the data, doing the calculations and showing the final result which is the distance from the device. Linux is the operating system in use to install the OpenCV on. The project can be done in many different ways and on different operating systems. LINUX is good for development purposes, so it was reasonable to use it in this project. To establish the project in windows high configuration which wasn’t available was needed such as 64 bit vista or seven windows, SDK and many libraries which are difficult to install and work with. Installing softwares in LINUX is quite a challenge. It’s very different in many aspects from Windows. To work with kinect in LINUX many software have to be installed. We used the Ubuntu 11.10 distribution of Linux. Eclipse is the IDE (Integrated Development Environmet) in use then G++ compiler was installed to use OpenCV library and to connect kinect to OpenCV, other library libfreenect is needed. The human detection and distance calculation was already done by many researchers before, so understanig and modifying the existing codes is the only problem which will be explained later on.
Hardware: KINECT
Kinect is Input device from Microsoft for the Xbox 360video game device. This device senses the motion. The device controls the games using the gestures. The shape of the kinect sensor device is horizontal which has RGB color camera, monochrome camera, Multi array microphone and an infrared projector. It can sense the 3D objects. The infrared sensor creates a point cloud then the camera captures these reflected points and