There are so many fallacies for instance the term of ‘human relations’ and ‘human resources’ where the contemporary organisation unseen the differences between this two approaches. Both human relations and human resources manager might use the same kind of organisational behaviour but for very different reasons (Miller 2009). Human relations approach emphasize on productivity where the management advocates better on treatment of subordinates in belief that it will lead to greater productivity. According to Miller (2006), the human relation management pay little attention to the individual needs of employees, to nonfinancial rewards in the workplace, or to the prevalence of social interaction in organisations. On the other hand, human resource approach pays more attention on workers’ feeling where theorists recognise that individuals in organisation have feelings that must be considered and also acknowledge that individual labour is an important ingredient for meeting the organisational goal (Miller 2006). Some of the theoretical approaches that could be brought into discussion of the differences between human relations and human resources are from well-known scholars such as Elton Mayo, Abraham Maslow, Fredrick Herzberg, Rensis Likert as well as Robert Blake (Miller 2009).
Elton Mayo as the founder of the human relations movement in industry brought an altogether different point of view to bear upon the problem (Mukhi, Hampton & Barnwell 1992). Mayo has brought forward through the Hawthorne studies which investigate the effects of employee morale and group pressure towards their job engagement. Mayo examined the impact of work conditions on employee productivity by using