“A strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization’s most valued assets”- the people working there who individually & collectively contribute to the achievement of its objectives.
An organization is made up of resources Men, Machine, Money, Material & methods. Of these the first one is living i.e human & other three are non living i.e non-human. It’s the human resources therefore that activate other resources. Hence, it’s the human or people that makes use of the non-human resources. Thus people are the most significant resources in an organization. Human resources differ from non-human resources in other aspects also .They differ In personality, perception, emotions, values, attitude, motives & modes of thoughts. In simple words hrm is the process of making the effective & efficient use of human resources so that organizational goals are achieved.
EDWIN FLIPPO- “HRM is the planning ,organizing ,directing ,& controlling of the procurement,development,compensation,integration,maintenence & separation of human resources to the end that individual organizational & social objectives are accomplished.”
David A. Decenzo & Stephen Robbins-“A process consisting of four functions Acquisition, Development, Motivation and Maintenance of Human Resource.”
Primary objective of HRM is to ensure the availability of right people for right job, so that organizational objectives are achieved efficiently. Primary objectives can be divided into following sub objectives. * To help organization to attain its goals effectively & efficiently by providing competent & motivated employees. * To utilize the available human resources efficiently. * To increase to the fullest the employees job satisfaction & self actualization. * To develop & maintain quality of work life * To help maintain ethical policies & behavior inside & outside the organization * To