Stroh, Northcraft & Neale (2003) defined that conflict is the opposition interaction within or between interdependent individuals or entities when the goals, purposes, and values are opposite and who perceive the other entity or entities as potentially interfering with the realisation of these goals. Rourke & Collins (2008) mentioned that the uncertain economy will in a great degree contribute to the conflict between employees and employers. Strike activities are a kind of severe consequences shaped by conflicts. Looking back on the history of strike activities, strikes always sudden burst after long periods of dormancy, thus the sudden spurted strikes are also called strike waves. (Friedman, 2007) The Russian economist Kondratieff(1935) developed a regular economic cycle, called the Kondratieff Long wave which is based on the price behaviour included wages, interest rates, raw material prices, foreign
Stroh, Northcraft & Neale (2003) defined that conflict is the opposition interaction within or between interdependent individuals or entities when the goals, purposes, and values are opposite and who perceive the other entity or entities as potentially interfering with the realisation of these goals. Rourke & Collins (2008) mentioned that the uncertain economy will in a great degree contribute to the conflict between employees and employers. Strike activities are a kind of severe consequences shaped by conflicts. Looking back on the history of strike activities, strikes always sudden burst after long periods of dormancy, thus the sudden spurted strikes are also called strike waves. (Friedman, 2007) The Russian economist Kondratieff(1935) developed a regular economic cycle, called the Kondratieff Long wave which is based on the price behaviour included wages, interest rates, raw material prices, foreign