H2W8 34
Outcome 2 Assessment
(Bank 1)
Rita Modi
29 October 2014
Candidate Declaration
I confirm that:
I have not pretended the work of others is my own.
[Using the work of others as your own is a form of cheating called ‘plagiarism’. It means taking someone else’s words or ideas and trying to ‘pass them off’ as your own. This includes work downloaded from the internet.]
I have acknowledged source materials.
[If you use material in your work from sources such as books, magazines or the internet, you must make sure you clearly acknowledge this by giving proper references. Your lecturer will advise you on exactly how to do this.]
I have not worked with others or shared my work with others – unless I was taking part in group work.
[Working with other candidates on a task you should be doing on your own, or sharing your work with anyone else, is a form of cheating called ‘collusion’. This includes giving assistance to, or lending materials to, another candidate.]
I have checked the contents of my work carefully before submitting it for marking.
[Make sure that you check all of your work carefully to ensure that everything you are submitting is your own work and that source materials are properly acknowledged.]
Failure to comply with the provisions of the above declaration may lead to penalties under the Plagiarism & Cheating (malpractice) Learners guide up to and including withdrawal from the unit.
Candidate Signature:
Unit Title: Human Resource Management: Core Activities
Unit Number: H2W8 34
Assessment conditions: Open book Report format word count 750
Assessment Task Bank 1
Outcome 2
Thanks to your guidance on recruitment and selection in Outcome 1, Jo and Claire have two offices which are fully staffed. The Edinburgh office and the Aberdeen office appear to be working well but Jo and Claire are aware