Humans aren’t born homophobic, racist or sexist. We are born equal in dignity and rights (Article 1). We are born equal. It was at times like the Second World War when this was forgotten. When German children like Bruno (Boy in the Striped Pyjamas) were schooled by the Nazi law that the people of the Jewish religion were ‘evil’ and ‘not human’ and that the dehumanization of the Jewish was for the greater good of Germany. The belief of one man in power (Adolf Hitler) wiped out half of an entire religion. Why is it that a person high up in society can get away with something other people cannot? “Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal”-Martin Luther King (Civil rights leader)
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was created by world leaders in 1948. This was to try to ensure the rights of all humans are respected and that the wrongs of the past were not repeated. In Article 25, it states that everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, medical care etc. So why is it that 21 000 people die of starvation each day, and yet nothing is done about it? The Universal Declaration of Human rights is not law enforced universally, so it is each country’s choice to whether the enforce it. In The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, Schmall is denied this right as he was poorly fed, and is not given the medical treatment he needs after he is beaten.
People may be different on the outside, but they are all human. What defines human? It is not race, gender, religious beliefs or sexual orientation. It is the