The human service field is a combination of counseling and social work and this is how a mediator and an advocate are linked together to help individuals in a conflict. Mediators and advocates use their skills to bring individuals to solutions that arise from disagreements.…
Most all businesses have the same goal; to be successful. However, Human Service organizations have a goal for themselves and…
When working in a helping field, you have many different doors that become open to you for different career paths that are all considered to be “Helping Fields”. A person with a degree in Human Services (Helping Field) can easily go on to become everything from a social worker that works with at-risk teens, to a drug and alcohol abuse counselor working for a state or federal penitentiary. With a degree in Human Services as the foundation for your career, the doors that can be open to you are virtually limitless.…
Every day people are faced with dilemmas within their work place. Some of those dilemmas are minor while others are major and go against the ethics that people have. Some of them not only go against one’s personal ethics, but work ethics as well. Some are able to look past these dilemmas and continue on while others can’t and feel the needs to confront the person or person’s that are involved. One has to remember that their values maybe different than others and that is more so true within the work place than anywhere else’s. The work place is full off different people from different back grounds and all of these people are put together and somehow expected to work together in harmony. “There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest” (Quotes About Ethics, 2012).…
Lewis, J. A., Packard, T. R., & Lewis, M. D. (2012). Management of Human Service Programs (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.…
Human service workers help clients become more self-reliant. They may do this by identifying specific skills or by recommending resources that allow them to care for themselves or work to beat setbacks. This paper will also identify problems facing human service clients. This paper details the persons served by, and the jobs usually found in human services.…
1. Sociology - helps human service professionals understand the foundations of life that affect our existence, such as a family’s organization, the roles that each family member places, race, gender, even poverty.…
I found the teaching style quiz to be very interesting. Before I started the Master in Human Services (MAHS) program, I almost started the Master in Teaching (MAT) program at Warner. I had even gone as far as applying and getting accepted into the MAT, fingerprinting and registering with the state, and began studying for the state tests. I was completely on track for the MAT, when Warner opened the MAHS program and I made a last minute decision to switch. I felt that long-term, I could have more career growth potential that better aligned with my future goals.…
University of Phoenix. (2010). Management of Human Service Programs. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, BSHS462 website…
Helping Hand Mission is one Human Service non profit organization in Raleigh North Carolina that offer help to a wide variety to individuals in my city. This organization offers clothing to people in need, they have a…
iii. Clean criminal background checks are necessary, along with excellent personal, academic, and work references. Drug use is not permitted. Some states may subject you to polygraph testing, if necessary, such as my state of North Carolina. All local and…
According to National Organization for Human Services (n.d), "Human service professionals and those who educate them, regardless of whether they are students, faculty or practitioners, promote and encourage the unique values and characteristics of human services” (para. 1). Some of the characteristics the author of this paper believes are essential for a successful career within human services are good communication skills, respect for their clients, understanding the needs of the client and the background where they are coming from, and the knowledge of what help the client…
In the last 50 years, human services workers are now able to offer a magnitude of services to millions of more Americans. The two major focus areas were mainly known to be food and work however, that has been constantly changing due to the higher demand of needs from Americans. A much larger amount of people is in need for many more different things than they were fifty years ago.. Americans are now in desperate need for clothing, shelter, healthcare as well as food. As Americans are being forced out of their homes these basic services will become a much higher demand. People needs are changing on a daily bases and the human service workers are constantly trying to keep up with the rising demand from everyone. In the last 10 years the needs of individuals has changed a startling amount from food and shelter to now needing medical assistance and childcare among a multiple of others things. The main reason that the needs for individuals are changing is due to the raise in the cost of living. The minimum wage that individuals are earning from working still does not even come close to cover that areas cost of living. With the basic needs that keep our people, thriving in their society is much greater than beyond reach for one individual. In order to keep up with each of the high needs of each individual a society as a whole has increased their responsibility to accommodate these issues. We as a whole start to feel a bit of responsibility for those individuals that have fallen down and need a hand up. Many different community programs such as churches, schools, family aides are all falling short them when it comes to funding the needs of their community. I hope to believe that the role of Human Service Workers will become a bit more proactive than what it has been and is at this current time. Social Workers will hopefully be able to handle more of the Americans needs, and help families with children as well as the elderly before they run into a problematic…
Human Services agencies play a vital role in connecting community resources to those in need of services. Some of the agencies are more beneficial to the community than others. Some of the larger agencies that are well connected with political figures tend to receive more funding, and directly affect local policy changes. Inadequate, funding prevents most human services agencies from conducting program evaluations that could be used to help strengthen their capacity, increase funding and track success. One small organization located in Tallahassee, Florida defies those odds. The agency is located inside Bond Community Health Center the largest community health center in Tallahassee. The small agency is a pioneer of social change in the field of HIV/AIDS creating the only active Peer Navigator program. The Minority Alliance for Advocating Community Awareness and Action, Inc. (MAACA’s) mission statement is to empower the minority community through the linkage of services, the creation of culturally sensitive programs and through mobilization strategies.…
Some of the effective human resource management practices that I have seen and experienced are the human resource management creating an environment full of diversity among staff. Recruiting employees that are trained in more than one area within the organization and providing opportunity to advance within the company to other areas of position. I have experience effective practice with how the human resource management makes recommendation to higher up regarding individuals who work beyond his/her role.…