Prostitution is sometimes known to be one of the oldest profession. Even few stories from the Holy Bible talk about prostitution as the oldest profession a woman have. Single women at that time were often no way to earn a living. Women were often not allowed to own property or learn a trade. There was no such thing as social assistance, it was every person for themselves. So, since men have always been at their cravings, women learned they could use their bodies to get food, shelter and clothing.
In modern society that survival necessity has been largely removed. At least in the western world there's really no reason someone has to do this to survive. However, men are still pigs and will pay. So now it's become a way for quick cash for addicts or women that have no real belief in their ability to earn a decent living legitimately.
Philippines is one of the countries in the world who has been affected of this kind of living. Prostitution remain illegal for it is a serious crime with penalties ranging up to life imprisonment for those involved in trafficking. It is very sad to know that a lot of filipina engage in this kind of job are underage.
Somehow, there are countries where prostitution has been legalized. Recent news we had is that United Nations had propose to legalize prostitution in Asia and that will be discuss as we go further on this study. So we, the researchers, were to focus if prostitution degrade the sanctity of life or will the legalization of prostitution eliminate the conditions of poverty and will stop trafficking and exploitation of women in great oppression.
II. Statement of the Problem
Prostitution has become prevalent in our country today among growing teens and youths. These young people see selling of their bodies as the fastest way of getting income for their keeps.
The major purpose of this study was to reveal the reasons behind some women who consider prostitution as a source of income and particular to