There are two types of child prostitutions in the Dominican Republic. The first is the traditional form of prostitution which takes place in indoor establishments, such as brothels. The second is a new form of prostitution that includes both boys and girls, working independently away from indoor places, practiced on an occasional basis and mainly in tourist areas. The new type of prostitution has resulted from the increase in tourism, particularly as tourists pay higher prices than local men. While the majority of the children work on their own, some may have someone who finds the ‘customer’ for them.
There are two types of child prostitutions in the Dominican Republic. The first is the traditional form of prostitution which takes place in indoor establishments, such as brothels. The second is a new form of prostitution that includes both boys and girls, working independently away from indoor places, practiced on an occasional basis and mainly in tourist areas. The new type of prostitution has resulted from the increase in tourism, particularly as tourists pay higher prices than local men. While the majority of the children work on their own, some may have someone who finds the ‘customer’ for them.