Describe the makeup of the family you grew up in: number of parents, brothers, sisters, stepfamily members; parents’ occupations. Who was the closest to whom in the family? Who was your greatest confidante? I HAD 2 PARENTS, 3 BROTHERS, 2 SISTERS, MY FATHER WORKED IN A SERVICE STATION AND MY MOTHER WORKED IN A FACTORY OR WAS A HOUSEKEPPER. I DID NOT HAVE A CONFIDANTE GROWING UP MY OLDEST SISTER WAS CLOSEST WITH MY MOTHER.
How did your parents show affection to their children? How did you and your siblings show affection? Were there any emotions that were not allowed to be expressed? MY PARENTS DID NOT SHOW AFFECTION VERY OFTEN, MY TWO OLDEST BROTHER SHOWED AFFECTION TO ME INAPPROPIATELY THERE WERE NO EMOTIONS THAT QWERE NOT ALLOWED
How were arguments resolved in the family—between parents, between siblings, between parents and children? Was there any physical abuse, emotional abuse, or sexual abuse? MOST ARGUMENTS IN OUR FAMILY WERE RESOLVED BY YELLING .YES THERE WAS SEXUAL ABUSE MY 2 OLDEST BROTHERS SEXUAL ABUSED ME ROM THE TIME I WAS 11 TILL I TURNED 18. FOR YEARS I WOULD CRINGE AND PULL AWAY ANY TIME A MAN TRIED TO TOUCH ME .IT TOOK YEARS TO LEARN TO TRUST A MAN
How would you describe your parents’ marriage? Frequent arguments? Signs of affection? Shared interest and activities? Individual interests and activities? PARENTS MARRIAGE WAS ROCKY THEY HAD FREQUENT ARGUMENTS YES THEY SHOWED SIGNS OF AFFECTION MOM LIKED TO DO SEWING AND PUZZLES MY FATHER LIKED TO WATCH TV AND DO PUZZLES.
When did you realize you were a boy or a girl? How did you come to that realization? WHEN I WAS IN KINDERGARTEN BECAUSE THEY TOLD ME I WAS A GIRL .How and from whom did you first learn about sex?