Legally, Prostitution is the sale of sexual services. The services may consist of any sexual acts, including those which do not involve copulation. While payment may be any nonsexual consideration, most commonly it is the form of "money".
Prostitution is when money is the critical motivation for some activity. The average person in corporatocracy is in fact a prostitute. Most people do the jobs they do only for the money, not because they actually enjoy "the work" enough to continue doing it even without a monetary reward. You can verify this by asking them if they'd still do what they now do as "work", if they'd just won or inherited a billion dollars, and no longer had to work for a living. This is also a reminder that what anyone does for a living is not who they are, which may also remind us that we are spirits incarnate in bodies. Prostitution is a word which applies to far more circumstances than the usual legal definition, where the meaning is focused only upon "whoring". The English language definition "the act, or an instance of, offering or devoting one's talent to an unworthy use or cause", is far more akin in meaning to the word "pollution" than to "whoring".
Ask any boy or girl what they want to be when they grow up, and my guess is that the majority of them will not respond: "I want to be a minimum wage laborer", yet most of them will start out in some such job, prostituting their truth, their desires, and their true choices, just to obtain a periodic paycheck. You can pretty well bet that, they are prostituting, even though it is probable that they have never "whored", (sold sex for money).
On the other hand, selling sex for money, or "whoring" can be done in truth and appropriateness, through very selective choice of customers. There are quite a few who whore who is not prostitutes, for they actually love what they do, and would continue to engage in promiscuous sex even without the monetary reward. One who whores, who does not