Faculty of Education
University of Malaya
Topic of Research:
Development and Evaluation of Humanism Elements in teaching and learning ‘Periodic Table of Elements’ among Form 4 students
Prepared by:
LIM PEI LEE (PGJ 110010)
Post Graduate for Master in Education (Science Education)
Semester 2, Session 2011/2012,
Education Faculty, University of Malaya.
Table of Contents
|No. |Contents |Page(s) |
|1. |Chapter 1.0: Introduction | |
| |Introductory paragraphs |1-2 |
| |Statement of Problem |2-4 |
| |Objectives of Research |4 |
| |Research Questions |4-5 |
| |Operational Definitions |5 |
|2. |Chapter 2.0: Research Methodology |5 |
| |Phase 1 | |
| |2.1 To develop Module of Humanism in Teaching and Learning “Periodic Table of | |
| |Elements” among Form 4 Chemistry Students |
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