One similarity between humans and primates is that their skeletal system looks almost the same but they both use in it a different way. For example, humans walk erected using their two legs while primates walk using their four limbs. Another similarity is that humans and primates have some physical features alike. One of these is their hands. Both humans and primates use their hands to grab food to eat it, to create tools, etc. Humans use tools in their everyday life while primates only use them for specific tasks.
Talking about differences, humans and primates have a lot too. For instance, they are different in their way of thinking and acting. Humans first think before they act while primates do what their instincts tell them to do. No matter if it is right or wrong, they learn from experience. Another difference would be the way of eating. Humans eat a wide variety of cooked and well-prepared food although primates don’t really care if it will do any better to their health. Primates don’t mind eating uncooked food. This is one reason why humans and primates didn’t “evoluted”, as scientists say, the same way. Primates remained in a stage where they can’t reach human capabilities.
In conclusion, primates and humans are similar and different at the same time. They have many common characteristics but they also have many differences. Even though humans