Instrumentation and Measurement Second Semester 2012-2013
General Guidelines:
1. Each student must write and submit a term-paper on a topic assigned by the course Instructor (note that topics will be assigned randomly and not possible to change)
2. When preparing and writing the term paper each student must use printed material from books and periodicals (magazines, journals, transactions and conference proceedings) found in the library (at least two resources) in addition to some electronic materials such as electronic books and internet resources .
3. Students must read on the given topic and summarize the main ideas while keeping the proper referencing and keeping copies of the material used in the term paper preparation in case asked to submit them.
4. The term paper should be written in English while using 12 Size Times New Roman font in Microsoft Word.
5. The term paper should start with a cover page having the Birzeit logo, and must contain four main sections: Abstract , Introduction, Main Study results and Conclusions
6. Total number of pages except the front and back cover must be between 4-10 pages
7. Term paper might include figures and drawings in a reasonable amount
8. Cut and paste from the Internet and e-books is not allowed and will result in a zero grade.
9. Each student must present his own work and use his own language with help of word processing software spell checking tools
10. Refer to the technical writing document provided at the following site: 11. Finished Term paper due date is indicated in the course outline.
Instructor: Nasser