Today, Lê Mỹ Hạnh, a beloved member of our CSS family, will have surgery at 7:30 am in California. I hope that everyone will take the time to pray for her. You may recite 7 or 21 times of either the True Words of the Seven Buddhas for Eradicating Offenses or the Great Compassion Mantra.
The time you spent reciting the mantras will be the love you send Hanh. Let’s pray that the surgery will go well and she will soon recover. The second person who needs our prayers is Pamela’s son, the 30-year-old Akeelah Owens, born in 1988. Pamela is an active member of CSS Montreal for many years. So, let’s recite the mantras and transfer our merit to him as well.
When reciting, close your eyes, first visualize Hanh, then imagine Quan Yin standing above and pouring sweet dew down on her. Let's pray that Hanh will receive Quan Yin’s Sweet Dew so that all her illnesses and pain will be …show more content…
There are many among our loved ones who suffered, so let's put our hands together and pray for them. There are those whom we might not know like Akeela Owens, but through pictures and mutual connections, we can still build the bridge. That is an essential nature of the Bodhisattva path, called "vô duyên đại từ." Meaning that even to the people who we have not met, we can still open our kindness and compassion to be the connection that will bring them comfort, rest, and lessen their illnesses.
As you know, most people have some kinds of illnesses or problems; this would be a good reason for us to cultivate. When we practice, we should spend the time to pray, don't just recite once or twice halfheartedly. Someone asked me: "Can I recite 5 or 7 times for a few people while I'm driving?" I texted back: "You should not pray while driving. You should sit in stillness then your mind can be the bridge more effectively." These are practical steps to make our prayers more