you do. Mason is my home. Mason will always be my home. From the moment I walked into Mason at the end of second grade, I had a skip in my step and I felt like I had a ball of sunshine in my pocket. Ms. Ventimiglia, now known as Mrs. Green, was my first teacher here at Mason. And yes, through this speech I will call her “ Ms.V.” Ms. V was willing to help anyone with anything, and she stuck with you through everything. Though I only spent two months with her, they were a happy and motivating two months.
Third grade was the middle of elementary school, and I felt like I was on a roller coaster. But, as my mom always says, if life puts you on a roller coaster, the best thing to do is put your hands in the air, and enjoy the gift that we hit the bumps and have bad days. If every day were a good day, we soon wouldn’t know what a good day was. In third grade, I couldn’t have asked for a more helping and supportive teacher than Mrs. Collins. She was fun, smart, and she was a leader. Those are some good qualities. In fourth grade I learned how to be respectful, responsible, and I finally learned the words to Mason’s pledge. Mr. Francis was one of my top favorite teachers, because we got the work done, but we also had fun while we did it. In math we didn’t just sit by ourselves and do math boxes. We worked in partnerships and groups, we made up our own problems to solve, and we learned how to help others. If someone was struggling, you went and helped them. I can only hope that that same behaviour continues on into the future. Fifth Grade.
It’s hard to describe. I felt like fifth grade was the end and it was a new beginning. I felt like the doors of elementary school were closing, and the doors of middle school were opening. I’ve had so many new experiences and made so many memories that I will certainly cherish forever. Camp was one of my many highlights. At camp, I not only learned how to ride horses and square dance, but I also learned how to cope with different personalities. It was strange to be “living” with people in my grade, and in my situation, I wasn’t even with people in my class! But, I think on many levels that it was important to strengthen bonds with friends, and maybe even make new friends. My fifth grade concerts were also experiences that I will never forget. As my last concerts in elementary school, they were important to me. My fifth grade teachers, Mrs. Frakes and Ms. Rheaume, are
AMAZING. As for us, my fellow graduates, {turn to class} I have a quote that I want you to remember. “Do not follow the trails of others. Find your own way and leave a trail for others to follow.”