The First character introduced in the story is Tub; His name “Tub” hints to the reader that he is overweight. Which is also concreted when Tub says “Like when I make a big deal about only having an orange for breakfast and then scarf all the way to work.” Also, as the story goes along, Tub appeared to be picked …show more content…
The author gives direct hints throughout the story indicating that Frank and Tub are morally wrong and they know it. An example of this is when Tub says, "Pretty disgusting, isn't it?” Tub knows that his eating problem is not good for his weight or health but no has no self-control or really any care to stop. Frank is shown to be immoral in many ways too; in the bar frank tells Tub about his affair with his wife and his new love for a fifteen year old. Tub know that that is not right but he also want his problems to be accepted by someone other than himself which brings up their change of view on morality. In the end as Frank and Tub drive away from the direction of the hospital the author uses the point of view of Kenny and wrights. “hanging between Kenny's toes in the direction of the hospital, was the North Star, Pole Star, Help to Sailors”. The author uses the imagery of north star and the hospital to represent Morality and righteousness as a fixed point that can not be changed for one’s selfish desires and that by fallowing the path of morality it brings life to people and helps