That alone sounds like a crime punishable by execution. According to the Death Penalty Information System, “The exorbitant costs of capital punishment are actually making America less safe because badly needed financial and legal resources are being diverted from effective crime fighting strategies.” According to studies done in the state of California, they are spending ninety million dollars per year on capital punishment. Texas, with over three hundred people on death row, is spending an estimated two point three million dollars per case, but its murder rate remains one of the highest in the country (The Facts: 13 Reasons to Oppose the Death Penalty.) All in all, there are many more reason why the death penalty is not the right choice to be given. It should be stopped all together because it does not teach people a lesson and it does not give people the chance to change. It also has taken many innocent live, which has destroyed the families of those people and lastly it is unnecessarily wasting our money. I hope this will change your mind on wishing death upon someone for their
That alone sounds like a crime punishable by execution. According to the Death Penalty Information System, “The exorbitant costs of capital punishment are actually making America less safe because badly needed financial and legal resources are being diverted from effective crime fighting strategies.” According to studies done in the state of California, they are spending ninety million dollars per year on capital punishment. Texas, with over three hundred people on death row, is spending an estimated two point three million dollars per case, but its murder rate remains one of the highest in the country (The Facts: 13 Reasons to Oppose the Death Penalty.) All in all, there are many more reason why the death penalty is not the right choice to be given. It should be stopped all together because it does not teach people a lesson and it does not give people the chance to change. It also has taken many innocent live, which has destroyed the families of those people and lastly it is unnecessarily wasting our money. I hope this will change your mind on wishing death upon someone for their