Being at an ethnic minority can cause people to turn towards religion for many reasons. One being that religion holds the community together and keeps the poorer people involved with society. Davie suggests that religion helps maintain tradition, cohesion and community solidarity. Some religions even use their place of worship as community centres for people of the religion to come and spend time with friends and family in the community. For example; Mosques multi function as community centres aswel as having traditional places of worship. This creates solidarity amongst them which is what poorer people seek. These ethnically minor people that struggle to provide for their families, religion offers support and provides the means to survive and be happy. Modood et al found that religion offers the socialisation that minor ethnic communities need to be involved in society. Having this socialisation helps small communities get together and cope with worries and pressures in life, and to stay stronger against discrimination and racism in the wider society. Having the means of support and a stronger community caused by religion makes ethnically minor people want to join them and attend because they don’t have any other means of support. Religion offers what they seek which explains the higher participation.
Another reason is social deprivation, marginality and status frustration. People may turn to religion as a secure and solid source of identity, status and community, which they don’t get in mainstream society. For example, many older Asian people, particularly women, may feel marginalized in modern day society because they can’t grasp the language and struggle to communicate with people other than their own family and friends. This limits them to who they can talk to which means they can’t get a proper