Question # 1
Student Name: NAVEEN.KUMAR
MISIS: M00381343
Academic Year 2011 -2012
Business School – Dubai Campus
Module Title: Organizational Behavior and Analysis
Module Code: HRM 1110
Submission Date: 08 Jan. 2012
Word count: 1998
“If you want your employees to perform at soaring levels, you must create high levels of job satisfaction”.
A brief explanation on how contextual performance and task performance may help employees towards higher job performance and satisfaction. Further moving on to the American employees/ workforce of America and their job dissatisfactions, its causes and how to counter such problems when it affects the company and employees alike through some managerial creativity like the work/life balance program, as these are very important for the survival of both the employees and the company. Then there is the Hawthorne’s notion of job satisfaction and performance “happy worker is a productive worker” and Organ’s correlation between job performance and job satisfaction through organizational citizenship behavior leading to the conclusion.
Herzberg (1957) over 50 years ago popularized the idea of when any employee is satisfied with their job then they would do well in their job resulting in maximum production for the company. Companies expect highest productivity form their employees by performing at soaring levels. A great deal of work has been done to establish what it takes to make workers perform at soaring levels.Productivity will be high when the employees are satisfied with their jobs, this was the original idea but the problem with this idea was that it was hard to define what are productivity or performance and job satisfaction. A concept was developed to look at employee performance for easy understanding, there are two ways to which an employee can perform, the first is ‘what’ they do and second is ‘how’ they do it. Borman and Motowildo (1993) developed this idea with the concept of