According to Dr. Seuss quote “adults are merely obsolete children.” Adults are children in a sense that they don’t mentally mature but physically also they don’t forget how to act and occasionally display behavior expected of children. What exactly is an adult and how would someone know he/she is an adult? People would normally consider a person an adult if he/she can take care of themselves but they don’t take characteristics into consideration. Let's take father for example, this man has bills to pay and mouths to feed. Before leaving for work he sits down and watches Saturday morning cartoons with his children. As he watches his little boy and girl smile and laugh at Perry the platypus thwarting Dr. Doofenshmirtz latest ridiculous scheme; he can't help but smile and look back fondly at his memories of the Pink Panther, Yogi Bear, Scooby-Doo, and other lovable and timeless characters. I for one agree with Dr. Seuss’s claim because I believe that as adults we have the mental capacity to mature, but our childish thoughts and desires prevent us from doing so . Adults are obsolete children in the sense that they don’t forget that they were once children; adults started as children not adults so they will always have that childish background and will always know how to act and display behavior typically expected of children.
When do people stop being children? The legal answer is eighteen. In the eyes of society you’re seen as adults. That doesn't necessarily mean you take on adulthood right away. Of course you’re allowed to vote and have other rights adults enjoy, but you most likely still depend on your parents like a child would. An example is; let’s say you still live with your parents and your mom still does your laundry and basically all the other things she did when you were a child. You are an adult in the physical and legal sense but are not mentally because you are not handling responsibilities an adult would. Therefore, your parents