screeching of small children had been somehow muted.” That quote backs up my thesis because it described how everyone, even the people you wouldn’t expect, were silence because of the connection they felt to America when John F. Kennedy was shot. Since they felt to connection of America, they all went through the sequence of sadness, shock and anger. In conclusion, being an American takes more than being just native. The American identity is created through experiences, traditions, hopes and connections, and culture.
screeching of small children had been somehow muted.” That quote backs up my thesis because it described how everyone, even the people you wouldn’t expect, were silence because of the connection they felt to America when John F. Kennedy was shot. Since they felt to connection of America, they all went through the sequence of sadness, shock and anger. In conclusion, being an American takes more than being just native. The American identity is created through experiences, traditions, hopes and connections, and culture.