Unwind, a dystopian novel written by Neal Shusterman, addresses many concerning matters in the world today and in the foreseeable future. A blatant theme that is conveyed throughout the novel is the always present need for organ donations. The importance of organs in our society and that of Unwind, is shown through the outcomes due to a deficiency of organs, the immoral ways of attaining organs, and the shocking agreement of society concerning immoral actions.
In a time where technology is at its most advanced, ___(cite) people still die every day due to the lack of organ donations. Organ donors are a rarity in a world where spare organs are needed. This is a highlighted issue in Unwind, where a whole system of organ donation against the will of the donor has been devised. The process of unwinding utilizes every part of the body in turn giving up your life. Unwinding is an extremity in this futuristic world, but it does address the issue of the need for organs. We see in Unwind that organ donation became such a big crisis, that a civil war was the outcome (cite). The people were stuck between deciding sides; one their own, and the one the side of justice. The country of the United States of America in Unwind have dealt with the problem of organ donation, they made the decision to prioritize lives. In our society however, there exists no such process of socially acceptable forced organ donation or self sacrifice. This problem has not yet amounted to a national concern level and for that reason we can say there is not yet a solution. The lives of those waiting on organ transplants are lost every day as the government does not give their situation enough importance. Although the people of the world we live in today choose the path that is morally correct, this does not change the people’s desperation to attain organs or make a profit.
Both the society in Unwind and our society have similar needs when it