Because due to advertising in different mode customer are aware
Of the product and it also helps in creating a brand image in the
Buyers minds so looking at the current situation in this competitive market
A product has to be advertise and publish in the market so every buyer will
Be aware of the product . The world has became so small and due to e- commerce
Competition has also increase it's also kind of promoting a product .
Music can fulfill several tasks when it is used in advertisements. David Huron therefore chooses six categories in which “music can serve the overall promotional goals in one or more of several capacities.”[1] Mostly the use of music is not only intended by one of the following attributes but they are interdependent and interrelated to each other. The categories he claims are described as follows.[2]
The entertainment aspect of music helps making an advertisement more appealing to the viewer by simply making it more attractive respectively more aesthetic. By this increase in attractiveness an advertisement is able to engage more attention. From this point of view “music need not necessarily manifest any special affinity with a particular product or service in order to play an effective and useful function.”[3] The music functions more as bridge between viewer and advertisement in this case.
Structure and Continuity
Another basic attribute of music is to support an advertisements structure and continuity. Therefore “music is used to mediate between disjoint images”[4] Also it can emphasize dramatic moments within the advertisement. Accompanying i.e. a TV commercial music structures the told narrative, can tell a narrative itself or function as anchor which completes the overall meaning. It can i.e. create antagonist and protagonist within this narrative by giving them typical musical figures, harmonies or melodies.
It is far more likely to