There are a lot of benefits of creative play for the children. It helps develop their imagination and allows them to explore new textures, colours or smells. It can allow the child to experience activities and situations that they otherwise wouldn’t, therefore broadening their knowledge of the world. It allows them to bond and form relationships with their adults and their peers, develop teamwork skills and support their self-esteem.
Creative play benefits all ages of children from babies through to adulthood. Creative activities can range from mashing up their food at tea time when their only a few months old to making up stories in their English lessons in their teens.
Even at younger ages, creative activities help the child to develop basic maths skills such as measuring, size, shape, sorting, etc. This involves a lot of problem solving as children learn to put what is in their head onto paper as well as concentration. Creating collages/mosaics or mixing colours are obvious creative activities but also aid their intellectual development which will transfer onto other areas of their life.
Mark-making, painting, drawing, cutting, pasting, play dough, gloop and other activities all help to develop fine motor skills in young children and are a staple part of their development which in turn helps them to be ready to begin writing as they near school age. It takes a lot of effort and determination from the child’s part to be able to