Vol.23; No.3 (2011)
Impact of information technology on human resource management Azzam Tariq Gerges
Internet Services Unit, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Riyadh, Saudi
Internet how to live, learn, work and leisure time has changed. Basically, the
Internet is more or less all aspects of human society have changed .This article is about the impact of the Internet and information technology on business and human resource management and tries to important innovations and (possible) changes in the levels of staff motivation and leadership styles may review and discuss consistency between the organization and the job. To realize these changes, we first describe the current status (employee motivation and leadership )and then briefly discuss the possible future orientation. Finally, by combining elements of human resource management, we try to make substantial gains that information technology practices, and ways to reward employees for new employees used to predict. The Internet, our lives have transformed the ways of communicating with others. Basically, the Internet all Aspects of human society too have changed. In recent years, the importance of Internet and information technology - both commercial space and private space - has considerably increased (especially with the increase of Internet users and
Internet service increases). Without a doubt, the staff and their work environment, job design, work conditions and many other things have been affected by the Internet and information technology.
Key words: technology management, considerably, information, human
Because trade in people and knowledge as they are the most vital asset, it is obvious that every company should be aware of it and is ready to accept new changes. Knowledge and understanding of the new orientation, not only for IT
EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595
Vol.23; No.3