A case of T-Mobile and Orange Mobile Merger
Over the past one decade, mergers and acquisitions increased at a record rate globally, especially in the United States. The telecommunication sector experienced no exclusion to this phenomenon and the three major telecommunication mergers included MCI and Verizon, Sprint and Nextel, and BellSouth and AT&T. As a result, the telecom playfield faced a whole new level of competitiveness and consequential obstacles. Similarly, the Telecommunication sector in the United Kingdom has also seen several mergers and acquisitions in the past decade. Despite the sudden popularity of mergers and acquisitions in the corporate backdrop, research suggests that the success rate of M&A’s is typically disappointing in terms of meeting the premerger strategic goals
Cartwright & Schoenberg (2006) saw the failure of M&A’s a result of various human resources factors such as cultural disparity, loss of talent, poor motivation, and mismanagement. Owing to this consideration, this research study will examine the impact of mergers and acquisition on employee motivation, taking the example of a recent merger between two telecommunication conglomerates based in the United Kingdom.
I would gratefully like to acknowledge the following people for being a source of guidance and support through the course of this research. I thank you all for your time, patience and energy to contribute majorly to the study and its results:
My teachers who guided me to work towards such an objective and contribute in some way to the society
The members of the Communication Workers Union for patiently responding and honestly participating in the survey
My family for being patient with me during this research period and understanding my priorities
Miss Edwards for forming the basis of the Morale and Turnover Intention Survey,
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