4. What was the impact on the Indians, Europeans, and Africans when each of their previously separated worlds “collided” with one another?…
Sugar cultivating took over the plantations in the New World; farmers began to convert most of their lands to sugar cane. This meant more workers were needed to work on these fields. These jobs were very labor-intensive so they first brought in the indentured servants. These servants were unable to adapt to the harsh tropical climate and the hard work discouraged them. It wasn’t much later when they decided to bring in the African slaves. As these slaves were owned by them, they forced them to do these vigorous jobs.…
The Columbian Exchange transferred numerous European aspects to the Americas that would radically alter all of the undeveloped countries that were to be affected. This exchange introduced new plants, animals, culture, people, technology, ideas, diseases, and religions to these newly found countries. Although the countries that engaged in the Columbian Exchange found a profit, they also brought devastation to the native people. The Columbian Exchange adversely affected the New World as with the gross mistreatment of its people and brought the native population to a fraction of what it was previous to this event.…
The European traders would kidnapp the African slaves and have them walk almost 1000 miles to the European Coastal forts. Only half of the people survived the ones who were too weak or sick were either killed or left to die. They traveled for almost 4 months across the Atlantic ocean. The Africans were treated like animals while they were being transported to the Americas. After they were enslaved and The Declaration Of Independence took the place the enslaved Africans made petitions to end slavery but nothing ever happened. When they were free they rebelled because they were denied citizenship.…
After 1492, Europe’s culture and commerce changed dramatically. The Columbian Exchange caused the death of millions of Europeans because of the many unknown sicknesses such as the smallpox, typhus, yellow fever, or the dreaded syphilis. The new sicknesses caused a colossal reduction of the European population. Thousands of colonists, soldiers, and monks started a new adventure to the new world, giving birth to one of the biggest migrations in history. When the Europeans arrived in the Americas, they faced different challenges with all the tropical diseases. At the end of the 18th century the European population was significantly reduced either because of all the new diseases the American- Europeans had to face or because of wars they held against the…
During the Atlantic world one major resource was lacking and that was workers. Their previous workers or slaves indigenous people died too easily to diseases or working to hard for too long. However Europeans found a new source of slaves and that was Africa. Africans were very suited workers: they were used to the tropical climate,…
“The Columbian Exchange refers to the exchange of diseases, ideas, food crops, and populations between the New World and the Old World following the voyage to the Americas by Christopher Columbus in 1492.” (Nunn & Qian) There were several different ways that the Old World benefited from the Columbian Exchange; however, the most well-known is the “discoveries of new supplies of metals.” (Nunn & Qian). The trade of livestock, plants, animals, new technology, and even diseases, changed the way of life for the Native Americans and Europeans. The Columbian exchange had a massive impact on the social and cultural setup of these two nations. Not to mention the major advancements of production of agriculture, increased mortality rates, higher education…
From there, the Africans were allocated to work for landowners, which later proved quite successful for mass production of crops. This resulted in slavery becoming more widespread and it later reached as far as Louisiana…
The Indians were almost completely wiped out, therefore, Europeans turned to the Africans. The Africans suffered the same fate as the Native Americans. As soon as the Portuguese and Dutch bought slaves from Africa, the slave trade began. They were forced to leave their native lands to go to the New World to help the Europeans build the Americas. African slaves became as much valuable as gold.…
In the sixteenth and seventieth century, Europeans began the plantation agriculture in the New World. They grew sugar, tobacco, rice, cotton. As the New world land became more available and convenient, civilized and fertilized for Europeans, the need of labor augmented. The west and West central African states, who were already involved in slave trading, supplied Europeans with African slaves across the Atlantic Ocean. Slaves were inexpensive to Europeans standard, they tend to live longer compared to European laborers who were vulnerable to diseases. Slavery is very much different from labor. Therefore, Africans became the major source of New World plantation labor. Nonetheless, they were not labor, but it was slavery. Slavery…
Slavery existed in africa long before the arrival of europeans and was widespread at the period of economic contact. slaves were generally the unfortunate victims of territorial expansion. Slave trade in the europeans and over to the east side of north america like asia,africa,europe and china the slave trade was started long before it was brought to the americas. Some slaves ran away from their plantations most didn't make it but tried to, if they didn't make it they were brutally beaten. Many africans had been exposed to european diseases and had built up some immunity many africans had experience in farming and could be taught plantation work africans were less likely to escape because they didn't know their way around the new land their skin color made it easier to find them if they escaped and tried to live among others. Between 1500-1600 nearly 300 thousand africans were transported to the americas.during the 17th century more than 40 percent of all africans brought to the americas went to brazil. The indentures goods were there farming knowledge and some disease resistance the negatives are new disease and the assimilation and population. Natives the negatives are knowledge diseases grantland there were no…
Europeans originally enslaved the Native Americans. The Native Americans, however, did not like this and fought back, ran away, or died of disease. The colonists, in a panic, decided that they had to replace the lost workforce. The colonies turned to Africans. This is where the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade originated. Unlike most slavery occurrences, The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade was different because it was racial slavery. Only Africans were…
The trip for the African’s was hard. When they got to the New World they were forced to work. They never limited the number of slaves that went to the colonies. The slaves were very good at growing crops in Africa so they wanted them in the New World. The slaves wanted to leave Africa. In West Africa and also in the early Americas, the tribes would fight each other. If they won, the losing tribe would give you slaves and you would sell them to the European slave traders.…
Europeans who brought Africans to America had many reasons to bringing them there. One main reason is they needed cheap labor to work on their farms, so they began using enslaved Africans on not only farms but plantations too. Many of the people in Africa knew how to farm, because that is what they do in their every day lives. Most Europeans on the other hand did not know this work and this is because they had the merchants bring the food…
From the very first interaction, the social and political relations between the Native Americans and the Europeans had begun with much tension. Many Europeans came to the Americas with the intention of discovery. However, when it became apparent that these new lands were inhibited the motives changed, and then the natives were colonized, abused, and in many cases killed. From then and throughout the impending periods of time, the relations between the natives and the Europeans had a few points of mutual peacefulness, but were overall negative.…