Sydney is a world city that currently has urban dynamics operating in it. Sydney is located on the coast in the South-East quadrant of Australia. Urban Decay and Renewal is clearly evident in Pyrmont – Ultimo, a suburb located with in a kilometre from the CBD. Rhodes , further to the north west of Pyrmont, is also under going Urban Decay and Renewal. The silicon corridor is an area of places where companies have decided to suburbanise some of their office blocks due to the cheaper land. The corridor originates in North Sydney and goes in a north westerly direction from there, passing through Chatswood and North Ryde The impacts of both these Urban dynamics are clear and evident in the area in which they are operating.
Urban decay, the deterioration of the urban environment, and urban renewal, the redevelopment of these areas so that they better meet the needs of people, are clearly evident in the suburbs of Pyrmont-Ultimo and the Rhodes peninsula. The Pyrmont-Ultimo area was a place full of finger wharves and was used as the primary hub of docks. It experienced a huge growth in industry and port facilities before the introduction of larger ships made the area redundant. The blue collar workers who worked on the docks therefore lived in the area packed up and looked for more work. This in effect made the area old and abandoned. The buildings became useless, out of date and redundant. The 1970's and 80's was the prime time of decay in the area. Due to the proximity of the Pyrmont area to the Sydney CBD and its potential to better meet the needs of people and businesses, the New South Wales government decided to renew the area. 1994 – 2004 was the 'decade of renewal' and saw the area gain much more interest. The difference was the renewal of the area brought very different people and companies to what where there previously. White collar